
Testing Device for Physical Properties of Bio-Materials


Shear Bond Strength

Basic Testing Procedure

  1. Specimen preparation is the same as described for the tensile bond strength test, however, do not allow the material to flow over the edges of the windows (Some material may require a separating medium, for instance dip the tensile nozzle in very hot wax). The set-up is suspended as for tensile testing and gentle application of a vertical tensile force separates the nozzle, leaving the bonded stub to the substrate.

  2. To engage the shear assembly on the base, screw the base lock upwards to allow space for the shear assembly’s bolt head to be flush with the base.

  3. Position the shear assembly on the base between the pillars and tighten the bolt through the base lock with a coin.

  4. Now select the guillotine blade (notched or flat) and attach to the coupler.

  5. With the device in a horizontal position, carefully slide the specimen holder ring through the back of the shear assembly. The guillotine should move freely up and down and engage the stub on the bonded surface passively. Tighten the specimen holder ring with the Alan key.

  6. Now turn the BENCOR MULTI-T upright and gently position the guillotine edge on the stub. Position the entire assembly in a testing machine and apply vertical force.

    (Other bonding procedures can also be facilitated by using a tensile nozzle for centre positioning.)

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